Wednesday, 5 May 2010

May.... and Goals

May and I´m 96 kilos and five weeks into my low-carb adventure.

Its getting easier- of course, a little tedious at times, however I am making an effort to seek out new recipes and ideas so I don´t get bored. Snacking is hard... I get tired, distracted or upset and I want sugar- sweets, salted chocolate or bread and butter. Now I am having a Babybel or a couple slices of ham!

Its approx 13 weeks until summer holidays and my trip to Australia- I AM going to be about 83 kilos by then! A most respectable weight and if I continue with low carb, I don´t see any reason why I should put on weight during my holiday, nor continue on to be goal (75? 70?) by October 31.

Less than three weeks until I see my mother in law as well... who though overweight herself, is critical of me- hoping to be 93 at the beginning of that visit.


Ex Yo-Yo Dieter Debbie said...

It sounds like you are doing well!

A word of warning about the mother-in-law...she may be critical of you at any weight...some people are impossible to please, and if it's not your weight, she may find some other perceived "flaw".

Get to that 93 (and you WILL!) for yourself!

Woohoo...not long til your trip to Australia. How fun will that be? Wish it were me!

Hotbefore40 said...

Thanks Debbie- and yes you are right re MIL, we are 18 years into a difficult relationship- though luckily she is a good grandmother or I wouldn´t see her at all. I will do it for me :)