Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Nearly half weigh...

I recently adjusted my goal down by 3 kilos- though according to BMI / healthy weight type charts I will still be slightly overweight :(. I have a "medium frame" - my finger and thumb can just touch around my wrist and am 175cms or 5´9".

The last time I was my goal weight was four years ago and yes, truthfully I was trying to lose more weight and yes, I think I needed to to be thin enough for the clothes I want to be able to wear- HOWEVER, whether that is actually feasible for me remains to be seen- ie, the work needed to stay like that.

I am nearly half way in any case and once I get "there" or closer, I can see if I want to adjust the goal down again. I am just truly sick of being the "big girl" in my family and not large-boned as it seems after all...

Edit: 74 kilos seems to be the magic number to be not "overweight", so I took the goal down one more kilo to that :)

1 comment:

Ex Yo-Yo Dieter Debbie said...

That is great! Good for you...you're doing really well!

Soon, "overweight" will be a thing of the past.