Monday, 11 May 2009

More Effort Needed

So, far I am not doing very well...thank God Monday is a new week. I have somehow just not got into the eating less zone and as I am not exercising yet, I just don´t see the weight moving unless I eat significantly less.

A real challenge as I deal with the stress of adjusting to life with the new baby, who while gorgeous and lovable is also very labour intensive.

Two days till my first weigh-in. I need a result of at least one kilo!

My plan today is to eat "raw"- raw vegetables and fruit. Museli with almond milk and maybe a piece of fish later on. No empty carbs, no sweets.


Megan said...

Gee I can definitely relate to more effort needed. I feel like all I'm doing is eating and unfortunately it's chocolate and crap that I shouldn't be. Have nearly caught up on your posts now. Looking forward to reading how you've gone. xx

Doriana Gray said...

Lets try and get ourselves together then :). Yesterday (Thurs) was not a bad day for me, so I have to keep that momentum going through Friday and the weekend. I am trying to eat a big salad everyday and have been doing well with that so far.