Two weeks and one day ago, I gave birth (by c-section) to a lovely 4.25 kilo baby boy who I absolutely adore - that´s the good news!
The bad news is I have spent since then eating armloads of bread and butter (esp in the hospital for 6 days- mostly out of boredom), pizza, chinese takeway, chocolate and icecream.
Today it stops!
I adjusted my ticker for today´s starting weight- 115 kilos (the day I went to the hospital I was 122.... I managed to eat my way out of a better initial weight loss). Today is the day I start my own "biggest loser" journey and regain my old self.
Its spring here in Germany and I am in dire need of being able to wear warm weather clothes asap. I have some size 16s in my wardrobe I need to be able to get into.... I don´t want to buy size 20s :(, I actually ordered a size 20 summer dress on the internet and sent it back straight away- it was hideous- or rather I was- I will stick to jeans and pregnancy/breastfeeding tops until I can manage my 16s.
This is a lovely picture of you and bubs. You really are beautiful and I would have never thought you were 38. Hows the jaundice going? Alicia also had jaundice but once we established the breastfeeding it just cleared up by itself. xx
Jaundice is clearing up slowly and we were lucky to not have to go back to hospital!
I do like that photo- my son snapped it and while I may not look so fresh faced and beaming all the time, its a lovely moment in time.
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