Saturday, 30 January 2010

I am in Serious Danger of NOT Being Hot Before 40!

God, what a disaster the last few weeks have been. I guess the wisdom tooth starvation diet didn´t work in the end. I am back up just under 102 and feeling awful and very disappointed with myself.

I big change is needed as I really need to be at my best in 6 months exactly!! I can´t let this go on any longer.

Big things have to change- no more overeating and overindulging and I need a regular exercise program.

I bought a whizz-bang juicer today and am off for a walk soon to buy a load of vegetables and some fruit to juice this weekend- I need a "cleanse", I saw some photos of myself from last night that shocked and depressed me. Should I give up drinking alcohol? I end up looking about 50 and incredibly bloated. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

Or maybe I should just avoid photos? As I always think its not too bad until I see the photo...

After the walk and shopping, time for some exercise- my daughter said she will come with me- a good long walk maybe with a little jogging.

I am not going to stop posting- from now on I post everyday with successes and failures! I only have 6 months until I go to Australia (and 9 till I am 40) and that is where I am planning to get photos (of me at my best, lol) done.

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