I seem to be on a roll, good news for me as I have twice weighed in at 107.9 this week.
There is a great article here- Eat Early To Stay Slim. This is exactly what I have been doing for some time and it is working! I have got used to the feeling of hunger and even learned to welcome it as a sign that fat is being burnt.
I have been under extreme stress this week though and eating less (mostly) because of it. Our landlords are trying to evict us (which is not easy in Germany) as they want to live in our apartment- it will probably end up in court, because we have three children our needs take precedence over a 41 year old couple luckily (and they live in the same suburb in a similar size flat).
The coming week I will be staying an at all inclusive family hotel- I am very nervous about how I am going to manage to not eat after seven pm and not overeat in general. I am packing my scales sad to say!
I think its time for another progress photo soon, I have lost 7 kilos so far.