Monday, 16 March 2009

34 weeks

Its a week and a half since I last posted and I am trying to stay focused. Last time I weighed myself I was 120 kilos. Not a total disaster, but I have to stay focused and stay on the healthy food.

Its about 5 weeks till the baby is born and then its D-Day. I know I have to be kind to myself however getting the weight off will be a real priority. I have done it before and know I can do it again. I know from experience that I can still continue to put on weight after the pregnancy is over! I will be sticking to a diet plan and exercising- lots of walks with the baby.

I have not heard anything negative re my medical tests, so I am happy about that as well!

5 weeks till I have a new baby AND a starting weight! That will be exciting!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

OGTT appointment

I got through my OGTT appointment this morning and I guess if the results are not good I will hear from my doctor. Cross fingers that is not the case and I am healthy.

I arrived there just before nine this morning, had the first blood taken (finger-prick) and then had to drink a huge cup full of a sugar solution. Luckily it did not taste unpleasant. Then I had two more finger pricks of blood taken after one hour and after two hours. I ended up with three bandaids and three slightly sore fingers!

I fell asleep for about half an hour as well in the waiting room, a little embarrassing! I think it was the result of being very very tired not the glucose solution :)

Then as I was starving (hadn´t eaten since the night before), I bought a subway chicken ranch to eat when I got home. Ashamed to say I wolfed it down, but it tasted so good!

Monday, 2 March 2009

Weight steady 119 this morning. I have to be happy with that.

I have the first of three medical appointments for this week tomorrow afternoon. Tomorrow´s one is routine hopefully.

I will be glad when they are all over, I am not a fan of being examined. Particularly when I feel like the fattest pregnant women in Germany. The women here are very trim and only seem to grow their bump and then straight back into the skinny jeans. I have grown all over.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Its funny to...

...have a weight loss blog when I can´t actually lose any weight. I am at a bit of a loss of what to write about, however I want to get into the good habit of blogging every few days like I do on my other blog.

Since part of this blog is about my impending panic (somewhat) of being fat and forty, I found this article in the Sydney Morning Herald very interesting. I don´t really like either of these labels that can be put on women- Mutton or MILF. The fashion advice was pretty blah too- turning women into Stepford clones.

The heartening part of this article was the comments- correctly identifying the spirit of the piece as demeaning and sexist.

I would like to be "hot" either side of forty, however I don´t want these media labels- milf, mutton, cougar etc. I have my own style and directions and like most women won´t be pigeonholed.